Wednesday 8 April 2009

Successful guys are never wrong

Just ask Rupert Low – The former Chairman of Southampton FC, which is currently in administration. Not his fault. It never is? When has the guy at the top of your organisation ever taken the blame – when is it ever his fault. The economy; the staff; his managers; the competitors; the industry, the regulators - anyone but the boss.

This guy blamed Barclays – how ridiculous can you get?

The bankers – they blame other bankers and the regulators - surely they can look at themselves just once and admit it.

Any big guys out there listening – take it on the chin – we work; you win; you take the credit we work, you lose; you take the blame – surely that’s a fair deal.

Please, please let us not hear these excuses any more – stand up and be counted and admit you got it wrong. You have passed failure on the way to success so give it a hug again on the way down – we’ll respect you more.

Mama knows her markets

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